
Monday 21 January 2013

... get fitter, eat healthier, drink less, have fun with the kids... DAY 20

As I mentioned yesterday, no weigh in today. I weigh in at work and it's a public holiday today so work is closed! I have thought about buying my own scales but I fear I would never be off them! Also it's good to use the same ones as they all vary!

Get Fitter
  • I went for a 5.3km run this morning. I started out thinking 'never gonna make it round', then went on to 'awesome I can run forever, how can I make this run route longer' to 'pech, pant, splutter, how can I make this route shorter'! I managed a 200/300metre sprint at the end though (well as much of a sprint as anyone can manage at the end of a big run!).
  • Alternative work out today was trying to empty out our monster paddling pool and flatten out the bottom of the pool so that it sat straight! This involved squatting with my knees pushing the sides down and rocking from one side to the other then pulling the tonne weight of the pool to try and flatten the bottom! Hrs going and not helped by the heat!
  • Darling Daughter and I had a play around in the surf at the beach. Not exactly high impact but walking in the sand and sea is good for you!

Eat Healthier
  • Very, very bad behaviour! Especially after going for a run! I didn't eat until lunch! I was somehow too busy trying to get the big chilli on the go for dinner, sorting out paddling pool, and setting up other toys outside so The Cherubs could play outside etc etc etc. I eventually shared the pasta leftovers from last night with Second Born Son at about 1pm. We also shared a fruit scone.
  • Afternoon tea of nut mix.
  • We had burgers done on the barbecue in a bun with tomatoes, jalapeƱos, mayo, mustard and relish! Not the healthiest but mmmmmm so tasty!

Drink Less (Alcohol, More Water)
  • Zero alcohol. I threatened to have some wine yesterday! I didn't! Just a cup of tea before bed instead.
  • About 2 litres. Would really have had more given my run and the heat but ....

Have Fun With The Kids
  • We made a batch of chilli each. I made a spicy one and Darling Daughter made a kiddy version for her and Archie! I nearly fainted when she ate it for lunch and tea!

  • Darling Daughter helped me with operation fix the paddling pool (see 'alternative exercise'). She used a bucket to empty the pool and water the plants.
  • We did some drawing outside at the table in the garden.
  • Darling Daughter collected some leaves and caught them like fish with a stick as a fishing rod.
  • We held a burial for a poor deceased garden toys limb we found.

  • We read stories on sun loungers.
  • We played with the pirate ship water table.
  • We splashed in the sea.
  • Second Born Son was around for most of this but was most commonly found shovelling food into his mouth (I.e at his happiest)

Imagine my delight when I asked Maisie what her favourite thing was today and she replied 'watching muppet babies on your phone'!

Linking up to Pinkoddy and A Party Of Seven for Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday


  1. Sounds like another good week and you've definitely done the fun part with your darling daughter.

    Thank you for linking up.

  2. What a super post, Ruth! I'm a pensioner but it really cheered me up reading about all the things you did and the fun you had with your children :) It's cold and snowy here, but I'm feeling warm having read this :)

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment! Glad I was able to cheer you up xxx
