
Tuesday 29 January 2013

... get fitter, eat healthier, drink less, have fun with the kids... DAY 28

No weigh in this week! I'm not at work so I have measured myself instead. So, so, so chuffed! Compared to 17 days ago I have lost 8.5cm. I measured my chest, arms, waist, bum and thighs. The smallest loss was 1cm and the biggest 3.5cm! *PHEW* thank goodness all this hard work hasn't been in vain!

Get Fitter
  • 5.50 am Group Power class.
  • 6km run with Lovely Hubby after class! I hated every minute! overly Hubby has a much faster pace than me so I felt like I was holding him back the whole way! I did manage an epic sprint finish though! I love doing that but I thought I was going to spew at the end!
  • Managed a kayak session and sea swim this afternoon too! Quite scared of this sea swimming but I was brave and put on my goggles and put my head under! I still kept my eyes shut because it is yuck and murky! Not pleasant, I was swimming through seaweed! I kept screeching Lovely Hubby over as he was in the kayak near by! Not sure what was more scary the big bad sea or Lovely Hubbies attempts to ram me with the kayak!

Calories burned - upwards of 1300

Eat Healthier
  • Protein shake with added banana and spinach for breakfast.
  • Carrot and coriander soup for lunch.
  • A couple of whole grain pita breads for afternoon tea.
  • Sausages, potatoes and salad for dinner.

Drink Less (Alcohol, More Water)
  • It's been a long day so I am having a pint of fizzy water with a splash of white wine in it!
  • 2.5 litres of water.

Have Fun With The Kids
  • All fun today has been supplied by the Lovely Granny, Grandad and Aunty Katy!


  1. Well done on losing all those cms, you're doing really well. You should be really proud of the 6km run too, I can walk 6km but I wouldn't be able to run it. Good luck for next week x

    1. Sorry for delayed reply. I have a night to myself so am catching up! Thanks for your support! I did a 10km last year! I said never again! Yet here I am doing a triathlon! I think the differenc is I get bored easy! 10km is too long and boring (at the speed I run anyway!).

  2. Thats a great loss! i hate swimming in the sea too!

    1. Thank you! Getting used to the sea swim, it can be quite refreshing if its hot! Problem is I'm too scared to go on my own and it's kind of tricky to rope anyone else in!

  3. it sounds like you are doing fantastic, i'm with you on the drinking more water xx

    1. Thanks. I know the water drinking is so good for you but maaaaaan the tote trips get boring!
