
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Kapiti Island Today 29/1/13

5.40pm ...

Taken from Raumati Beach again!
The troops and I spent a couple of hours on the beach in an attempt to get some respite from the heat!
A sweaty one today!
The yucky sweat dripping down your face kind of day!
Great to get down to the sea side where it's a bit cooler!
It may be slightly cooler but the sun is still super strong!
Think I may have even got a bt of sun on my legs!
Terrible example for a pharmacist to set BUT I've given up putting sunscreen on my legs!
They never seem to get any colour either way!
The tide was very low which makes Kapiti Island look real close!
Bit of a nuisance having to walk for ages to get into the sea!

I'll hopefully have some views looking from the Island tomorrow!
My crimbo pressie to Mum, Stepdad and Lil' Sis' was a trip over to the island!
Mumis primed to be my guest photographer for the day...

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