Little Old Me

Things have changed since I started this blog which has reshaped the blog itself so I though I better update my about me page ...
I am still mummy to a Lovely Hubby, Hound, Darling Daughter, Second Born Son and Lil Sis.  I am no longer a Stay at Home Mum (*sighs loudly in Lovely Hubbies general direction*)!  

If you like general chit chat, pictures, recipes (not necessarily good ones), stories on how not to do things, life as an expat and other such nonsense hopefully you will like my blog.

Keep up to date by following me any or all of these ways;

Chums are good the more the merrier xxx

First profile - I Am a mother, wife and pharmacist from Scotland living in New Zealand. I have a 3 year old daughter, a 5 month old son, a 4 year old pooch and a lovely hubby of 7 years! After baby number one it was straight back to work after a lovely 4 months with not much thought to being a parent except in the evenings and at the weekends, the majority of the parenting was done by our wonderful neighbour and childminder. Now after baby number two I find myself trying to be the perfect housewife and mother in a bid to be 'allowed' by my hubby to stay at home.
But in this bid I seem to find myself lacking, inadequate at housewifing and being Super Mummy! All in the mind I'm told but feel this way I do when others seem to do both effortlessly with the result being happy, doting, well behaved children and husbands?
I reckon there must be other folk out there that feel the same so I thought I would start a blog about life chez Not So Super Mummy, maybe make some of you out there realize that your actually doing a pretty good job!


  1. My wife has a similar blog spot. We have two children similar ages. Can I ask you just one question as a dad (perhaps your hubby will appreciate this): How is Daddy Pig so cheerful all the time?

  2. Thank you for your comment. Your question re daddy pig is indeed a good one! Life as a pig is clearly more jolly than human life!

  3. Ruth, I wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Liebster award! I really enjoy your blog and I thought you were a perfect choice! For more about the Liebster Award and what you do, check my post here:

    Have a great day!
    Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations

    1. I am a terrible person! I was so chuffed when I got this comment but then I went off the radar! So sorry. Thank you and I will respond one day to award xxxx

  4. Hello. I talk about inadequacy quite a lot too. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves!

  5. Hi there, thanks for stopping by! My new year new me regime is definitely making me feel more positive and less inadequate! Who'd have thought it, those endorphins are magic! I will probably crash next week and have a self doubting week ...'I'm a bad mother, wife, sister, daughter, pharmacist... HUMAN BEING'. But I'll pick myself up again! Things could always be worse! You just have to look around yourself to realise that sometimes!

  6. HELLO!! I am in love with you and now I shall now stalk you.

