Wednesday 25 July 2012

It's Been a While....But....

I'm back!

By popular demand!!??!!

Eh...not quite.

I'd like to think so but no just by the most important demand....the demand of my mum, sister, Lovely Hubby, my bestest U.K chum and my bestest Kiwi chums. Well ok they didn't demand it but they asked after my blog. I thought that was good a reason as any to fire up the old Blogeroo again.

Now I have made a return to life as a working woman it may not be as frequent or long winded as before but rest assured I will find some inane drivel to natter on about....

Meanwhile here's a wee pic that I feel sums me right up!


1 comment:

  1. Good to see you back, have missed the pictures and blogs.
