Get Fitter
- 2.5km run to beach.
- Sea swim.
- 2.5km run home.
It's going to be a bit odd once the event is passed. I'll need to keep my motivation up some other way than having a Triathlon to compete in!
Eat Healthier
- Bit odd but pâté on toast for Brekkie.
- Light crisps for morning tea.
- Sushi for lunch.
- Prawn stir fry for dinner.
Drink Less (Alcohol, More Water)
- Zero alcohol! I've got my game face on now! No nonsense now until race day ... Then I will get plastered!
- Bad water effort today! Probably only managed about 1.5 litres of water.
Have Fun With The Kids
Working day today so tricky to fit much fun in! I feel happy in the knowledge that they have such awesome fun at Daycare, certainly more fun than any day with mum and dad! They have a white board on the way in the door where they write on the days activities! Great to see what they have been up to! It's always things I would never think of!
I'm off for the next two days and we have fun planned.
It's Monday! Weigh in Day! Surprise surprise no weightloss! Getting a bit sad now! Wondering when I will get my triathlete body HA HA HA! Never I assume!
Linking up to Pinkoddy and A Party Of Seven for Motivational Monday!